I am working on a new website: http://zuzanabrlitova.wix.com/pracverzia
Zuzana Brliťová : www.zuzaobrazy.weblahko.sk
wallpainting: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wallpainting-for-kids/333135823474359?id=333135823474359&sk=likes#!/pages/Wallpainting-for-kids/333135823474359
e-mail: zuzana.brlitova@gmail.com
Hi, you can find here pictures of my activities for children from 2002 - 2019
.....Couple of pictures...see more on left side albums
last works with students:
- Primary school Dubova, Bratislava (september 2017 - now) - art competiotions: special price - OLOart/recycled art - portrait of plastic, 3th place - HHockey Bratislava, 2nd place - Carneval masks
https://zsdubova.edupage.org/photos/?photo=album&gallery=424#gallery/424 cena OLOart, portrét prezidentky z plastu
https://zsdubova.edupage.org/album/#gallery/348 Ezopove bájky, masky, scéna, divadlo
https://zsdubova.edupage.org/album/#gallery/398 Mexico, Dia de Muertos
https://zsdubova.edupage.org/album/#gallery/394 titulné strany vlastných časopisov
https://zsdubova.edupage.org/album/#gallery/321 Hokejová Bratislava, 2x 3. miesto, cena primátora
https://photos.app.goo.gl/m8OYeV83dSFv8nxF2 školské divadlo v anglickom jazyku - scéna, kostýmy (s ôsmakmi) réžia (piataci)
/Humpty-Dumpty, Cinderella
https://photos.app.goo.gl/1D9yjQDLspBVyop82 výtvarné realizácie mojich žiakov 2. stupňa
- Primary art school (2007 - 2008)
(ZUŠ Ružová dolina, section ZŠ Dubová - where I worked as an instructor of fine art course and computers graphics course)

From exibition of children from my artgroup-Primary art school in Palfy ´s palace, Bratislava

- Art and craft school - Dubravsky atelier (2002 - 2007) - price - Alternatives of arts, Povazska Bystrica - 2007
(art leisure centre - where I worked as an instructor of fine art courses, leader, coordinator, conceptual supervisor, manager of all courses and cultural actions)

- children´s magazine - Včielka (2009 - 2010)
(I worked as - editor in chief, illustrator)

- Elementary school - Mudronova st. (2013 - 2016)
Price : 1st place of art competition of schools - SNG/ Slovakia - in the project Arteducation in the world of contemporary art and new media
: 1st place of art competition - Bratislava 1 - Europe at school - Iuventa/Slovakia
(I worked as art teacher and Slovak language)

- Home Based - Art Class in Sydney
(5 yers old Mia), Ocean world

artclass in Sydney (5-8 years old children), Landscapes of dreams and phantasy

Sydney: Georgie and Mia from New Zeland with painted collages of interiors

- wallpainting